ICC UK Arbitration Event
ICC UK Conference on Investment Treaty Arbitration: A "BIT" of a Problem?
Date: 22nd March 2012
With international foreign direct investment having increased exponentially in the last years, investor-state disputes are also on the rise. Although the frameworks for solving these disputes have evolved over the years, there are still contentious issues which arbitrators, practitioners and academics continue to face.
Featuring leading expert speakers from diverse professional backgrounds, this half day conference is a unique opportunity to gain insight into the different aspects of investment treaty arbitration and to examine important developments and emerging trends in investment arbitration.
The seminar will address issues such as:
• “Investment” and “investor” – definitions in need of revision?
• Procedural aspects of Investment Treaty Arbitration
• The authority of the tribunal
• Compliance and Enforcement of awards – recent trends
• Appeals and annulments of awards
• Choice of institution
• Bilateral Investment Treaties – the new EU policy
Members of ICC UK: £252 (incl. VAT); Non-members: £360 (incl. VAT). Places are limited so please register at ICC UK if you would like to attend.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Registration and networking lunch: 13.00
Seminar: 14.00
Reception: 19.00
Herbert Smith LLP
Exchange House
Primrose Street
London, EC2A 2HS=
To open the programme and registration form, please click on the image below.